Friday, November 11, 2011

In response to thousands of requests - My job description

Well, one actually... My wife Janet asked me to explain my job here. Although this seems like a perfectly reasonable and easily answered question, this turns out to be not so clear since I have no explicit job description and this will likely evolve over the next year. My formal title is Associate Dean for Administration and Policy with a corresponding faculty appointment in the Department of Health Informatics. My primary role (as it appears... Inshallah) is to provide leadership in moving the College of Public Health & HI forward to prepare eventually for accreditation by the US-based accrediting body for schools of public health. This will be a challenging and long-term enterprise, most likely in the five-ten year range, extending well beyond my tenure here. More immediately, I will be working closely with the Dean, Dr. Majid, who is also CIO of the Medical Center, to initiate a long term strategic plan to culminate in CEPH accreditation and will be responsible for developing and articulating College-level academic policies in support of the longer term goals. All this is to serve the vision of the College which essentially is to become the premier center for public health education and research in the Middle East with international recognition for excellence. This is an exciting but daunting aspiration for an institution that's still in its infancy.

So one unexpected sidebar benefit of this blogging process is that I just developed a job description... That may be the most productive outcome of the day!

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