Friday, December 30, 2011


Our Complaint Department has received queries, whines and death threats relevant to the inability of some of you'ns to post your thoughtful and heart-felt comments to my blog ramblings... Well, first of all, it's NOT MY FAULT! I blame whoever runs the Internet or to whomever she/he has delegated accountability for coordination and facilitation of international Blog commentaries for this unfortunate and annoying malfunction.

Seriously though, I do regret the inconvenience and (especially) my missing out on your responses. So I will have my technical staff of one (Gwyn, HELP!) check this out and hope that we can resolve it. In the interim...

Have an enjoyable and safe New Year's Eve celebration and a rewarding and blessed 2012!



  1. Wes, I'll probably have to contact your complaint department too. Happy New Year, and keep those reflections coming!
    mary d

  2. You have to have a google account- Well don't HAVE too but its easier- and its free! For all of you having problems try that- if that fails i will figure something else out
