Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year to the 'Burgh

Fortunately, New Year's Eve was rarely if ever a major celebratory moment in the Rohrer household. As I aged gracefully, the challenge to stay awake until midnight to listen to a pointless countdown,watch the descent of a really large chandelier with the music of groups that I had never heard of in the background- Wilco, for example? - well, not my cup of strong java. So my curmudgeonly approach to the New Year's hoopla serves me well in Riyadh since there is no recognition of the Gregorian calendar new year as a holiday let alone a celebration of it... So bah humbug, indeed!

However, Christmas Eve and Day was another story indeed. Candidly, I had faced Christmas season with foreboding, anticipating a sense of loss, remoteness and self-pity expecting to soldier through it as an ascetic, joyless discipline. Although I did experience some of these emotions in fact, the peak of the Christmas cycle was saved for me by my experiencing a Christmas dinner hosted by an expat couple and their friends, complete with Christmas carols in the background, a traditional turkey dinner with sweet potato/marshmellow caserole, and a libation that reminded me of a very fruity wine. The comraderie was wonderful and I may have a photo to post eventually - yours truly bedecked in a traditional Afghan wedding hat. Enjoy the image!

However, the peak experience for me was a long skype with Janet, Gwyn and Caitlin celebrating (virtually) around the Christmas tree. I cannot convey how wonderful this was... even without a gift to unwrap!

Blessings to each of you for a rewarding and challenging New Year ahead!


  1. Dear Wes-
    This is only my 2nd or 3rd comment, and I'm not sure that the last one reached you. At any rate, happy New Year (not a big holiday for me either) and retroactive wishes for a blessed Christmas! I'm enjoying the reflections immensely. And speaking of cabbages (weren't we?) Ivan, who never even boiled water, has taken up cooking cabbage pierogi. Heaven help me! I'm sure that this doesn't interest your readers, so I'll stop here. Keep writing, Wes! All the best-
    mary d

  2. Skype-ing with you was a wonderful way to celebrate as well...and you will get your presents soon enough! :) lots of love...Caitlin
