Monday, October 24, 2011

Mall Talk Revisited

I realized after thefact that I never shared my observations about this mall nor the Saudi mall culture. Malls (at least in Riyadh) are one of the triangulation points of Saudi culture along with the mosque and the family residence. Thus far I have been to three malls varying widely in terms of ambiance and products and services available. In an earlier visit to Riyadh (my recruitment trip) I spent most of my evenings people-watching and drinking coffee (Starbucks if you please!) in the Kingdom Tower (featured in the photo used for my blog portal). Kingdom Tower is as upscale a mall as I've ever experienced but then again I've never been to Dallas or Rodeo Drive... Most of the clothing, electronic, perfume and jewelry stores are European and the clerks are all male.  I understand that in response to growing displeasure among women about having to purchase lingerie and sleepware from male clerks, an edict was issued that all retailers except the very smallest who sell these items must employ a female associate... Small steps slowly but progress under King Abdullah.

The main attraction for me as a consumer - since I didn't have nearly enough Saudi riyals for even the low end jewelry - was the discovery of the food court... a junk food oasis shimmering in the desert heat (well the mall was fully air-conditioned but grant me some poetic license here) that offered along with the ubiquitous Starbucks, Subway, KFC and (my heart leaped at the sight), Mickey D's. The court also includes a British bakery/coffee stop that sells donuts including the white powder variety that I crave! So the Kingdom isn't that different after all when it comes to satisfying the basic needs of life!

Which, however, introduces an important cultural note: the Starbucks has a small dining area separated into a family section and bachelors only (single or groups of men). At McDonald's (no seating) there are two separate lines (side by side) with the same gender divide. Both lines are served simultaneously so there appears to be no redictable advantage being in either line but it's odd to Western eyes... The woman all wore the black abayas down to the the shoe line covering the ankles. While the full veil is predominant, most Western and Asian women wore head scarves, some with floral prints. I have yet to see the presence of the Saudi cultural police, enforcing the dress code, but I understand it does occur... Oh yes, Kingdom Tower also has a females only floor where I presume the lingerie is sold - and perhaps a lounge wher the ladies can drink tea and escape the tiresome males in their lives - but that's just speculation...

Time flies when in the blogosphere and I must get ready for the shuttle bus... to be continued


  1. Thats so strange! You should ask one of your friends about the women floor of the mall- i am very curious to see if they do have a lounge area or if that was an oversight.

  2. Glad to see you are settling in, but I didn't think that a health expert would admit so publicly to a love affair with Mickey D's ;-)

  3. Bill -

    Now you and the world - more precisely the half-dozen folks who enter my blogosphere - know my ugly little secret. Yes I'm a public health educator and advocate who doesn't practice what he should be preaching in the domain of nutrition and healthy eating. This inconsistency should be a cause of some concern but when I feel such anxiety, I turn for solace to a Big Mac & fries, thus placing myself in an endless loop of frustration. So I'll let the inconsistency be...

  4. Gwyn -

    The designated floor is a fact but since I would not be welcome there I may never know... But I will ask my expat female friends.

  5. Greetings Wes,
    I just learned about your blog today! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your postings and look forward to more. What a relief to know that doughnuts are available to you.
    BTW- I read your profile and learned things that I haven't known for over 30 years, ie, that you're a fan of Patsy Cline, 50s music --and other tidbits.Who'd have thought?!

    The office is shaking a bit today because of construction but not nearly as badly as it did on Monday morning, when I grabbed my purse and coat and headed for the exit. Seriously.

    I'm off to APHA tomorrow. Take care and enjoy the weather! I hope to read more from you soon.
    All the best-
    Mary D
    ps Have you heard that GSPH now has a Twitter feed?
